
This pet food campaign film for Smuldier got us all jumping for joy. The dogs were the stars of it all, absolutely chaotic but in the best way possible. It is just that good!


Client: Smuldier / Robin van de Bruinhorst/ Marjon Pouw
Agency: Open Now
Creative Director: Lukas van de Ven
Agency Producer: Sandra Burger
Director/Photographer: Jaap Vliegenthart
Production Company: JVF
Producer: Lisette Kooijman
Animal Handling: Mike Zunneberg at Zunneberg Animals B.V.
DOP: Jaap Kwaak
Second Cameraman & Video Assist: Vincent Houtman
Gaffer: Gerard Stam at Stamlight
Film Edit: Kim Hinrichs
Music: Brownie Dutch
Sound Design: Public Audio
Grading: Harm Rieske / Barry Clarke at Captcha!
Online: Captcha!

